5 Key Differences About Magento 2 Configurable Product Vs. Grouped Product At Australia

5 Key Differences About Magento 2 Configurable Product Vs. Grouped Product At Australia

You must be familiar with these two favorite types of Magento 2 products: Magento 2 configurable vs Magento 2 grouped product.

Magento 2 Configurable Product is composed of multiple single products coming with a diverse variation. Each variation is displayed with a list of attribute options for customers to choose from. You can sell clothes with this kind of Magento product, e.g., a t-shirt having multiple colors and sizes.

Magento 2 Grouped Product is made up of simple standalone products that are presented as a group. All related products can be bought separately, e.g., a knife set with different sizes.

Both Magento 2 configurable and grouped product have similar functionality, which includes child and associated products. But what is the difference between them? How does each type benefit you?

In this article, SmartOSC will show you the 5 core differences between Grouped Product vs Bundle Product to help you distinguish them.

1. Appearance

Magento 2 Configurable Product is like a ‘’simple product’’ with its multiple attributes.

Not only that, but the default configurable product also has many variants of products; however, they aren’t supposed to be sold as a standalone item.

Whereas, Magento 2 grouped product like its name, it looks like you are selling a group of products. Also, compared to its counterpart, the second has very fewer variants that can be sold as a unique item.  

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2. Associated Product

Both child products of Magento 2 grouped product and configurable products can be sold individually. However, they still have some differences between them.

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With Magento 2 Configurable Product, you cannot add multiple associated products to cart. Why? Because, as you know, configurable products in Magento 2 are presented as drop-down or selected boxes, customers add children products to cart only by choosing a value of attributes and inputting quantity for that item.

It’s inconvenient for merchants and B2B if they want to order in bulk. That is one of the reasons why there are many extensions for the configurable product in Magento 2 for wholesale.

Moreover, in this product type, associated products don’t function as completely separate components, but they share some same attributes regarding color or size, for example.

Meanwhile, with Magento 2 Grouped Product, you can easily and conveniently add multiple constituting products of grouped products to cart.

Due to the way showing the simple product of grouped products in the Magento 2 frontend, these simple items are shown with their quantity box so that customers can input the quantity for many child products as they wish then add all of them to cart at once.

However, this also has several drawbacks, like showing a long list of constituting items on the product page will lead to inferior visuals.

As opposed to configurable products, associated products of grouped ones exist as standalone items that don’t share any mutual attribute.

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3. Price

With Magento 2 configurable products, you have to do the math to get the price. The price of the child product will be equal to the cost of the configurable product plus the cost of the chosen attributes.

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Let’s explain more.

For instance, on the product page of a configurable product, a T-shirt is priced $30, if a children product has different prices, that means, a Red-M is $40, a red-L is $45. However, in the frontend, it doesn’t show the price of child products, it just presents as form +$10 for red in color attribute in this case.

In this situation, in the backend, you have to mark the red color as $10 and the L size as $5, to get an actual price of $40 and $45 for the Red-M and red-L respectively when selecting them. If the price changes for any of these different sizes or colors, you have to do the math every time.

It sounds complicated, right?

This is the reason why most online store owners find Magento extensions when using the configurable product.

Besides, tier price also doesn’t work for the configurable product in Magento 2 default.

Meanwhile, using a Magento 2 grouped product, you can make simple products: Red-M T-shirt, Red-L T-shirt with their prices $40 and $45, respectively. Next, you add them to associated products in the grouped product. These constituting items will be displayed with their prices.

If the price changes for the red-L T-shirt, you simply update its price, then the grouped product will present the new price.

The second interesting thing about the grouped product in Magento 2 is tier prices work well.

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4. Add To Cart

When using the configurable product in Magento 2, customers only add each child product to the cart.

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However, customers can conveniently add groups of products or multiple associated products to the cart at once.

5. Usage

Magento 2 Configurable Product is still suitable for selling clothes with different sizes and colors, which will have an appropriate performance for customers’ experience.

You can use the Magento 2 grouped product to sell multiple simple items as groups or sets such as a set of clothes, set of furniture, and so on, or you can sell clothes and furniture individually if you want.

The grouped product is used to integrate simple products for the convenience of customers.


In this article, we have shown you 5 key differences to distinguish Magento 2 Configurable vs Magento 2 Grouped Product.

We hope it will be helpful for you!

Article source: Magento Việt Nam

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