Spend No More 2 Minutes Creating Magento 2 Attribute Set at Australia

Spend No More 2 Minutes Creating Magento 2 Attribute Set at Australia

In the previous blog post, we provided you detailed instruction on how to add a new product attribute in Magento 2 before creating a product. Today, we continue to introduce about the way to create a Magento 2 attribute set which is known as lists of product attributes determining all characteristics of products.

In Magento 2, the default attribute set includes a list of commonly-used attributes and is often used in case admin only add a small number of attributes. However, if products have many characteristics, admin need to create additional attribute sets for these characteristics to describe products. Together with SmartOSC to clarify the details Spend No More 2 Minutes Creating Magento 2 Attribute Set through the following article.

1. Create A Magento 2 Attribute Set

You go to Store → Attribute → Attribute Set to start adding a new attribute set.

Spend No More 2 Minutes Creating Magento 2 Attribute Set at Australia

Magento 2 Attribute Set

Click Add New Set and edit Attribute set name.

  • In Name: enter a name for the attribute set.
  • In Based On: choose an existing attribute set which can be used as a template.

For example, default provides some available Magento 2 attribute sets such as Default, Bag, Bottom, Gear and so on.

  • Click Save, and you will see a page as below:

See more articles: https://www.smartosc.com/insights/top-10-magento-development-companies-in-singapore

Spend No More 2 Minutes Creating Magento 2 Attribute Set at Australia

+ The first column shows you the name of Magento 2 Attribute Set which is only available for internal use and can be easily changed.

+ The Groups column shows you a list of selected attribute groups in advance.

+ The Unassigned Attributes column shows you a list of attributes which are not assigned to any attribute sets.

Therefore, by dragging attributes of the Unassigned Attributes column to a folder in the Groups column, you can add a new attribute to the set.

  • Finally, click Save to finish. 
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See more articles:https://www.smartosc.com/insights/smartosc-magento-development-services-at-singapore

2. Create A New Attribute Group

In the above page, you click Add New from the Groups column to create a new attribute group

  • Enter a name for the group in the popup and click OK.
Spend No More 2 Minutes Creating Magento 2 Attribute Set at Australia
  • Then you can drag attributes from other groups to this new one or also drag unassigned attributes to it.

The new group becomes a part of the attributes of any product which is based on the attribute set.

See more articles: https://www.smartosc.com/insights/magento-services-singapore

3. How To Import Many  Magento 2 Attribute Sets To Websites

Instead of manually adding product attribute and attribute set one by one, you can simplify your work by using Magento 2 Import Export Product Attribute extension. This module helps you to import product attributes; product attribute sets, … to Magento 2 site via a CSV file. Therefore, you can save more time, effort as well as human resources than manually doing everything.

Spend No More 2 Minutes Creating Magento 2 Attribute Set at Australia

If you have any questions about this tutorial or any Magento 2 extensions, please feel free to ask us for help. We are willing to support you every time.

Article source: Magento Việt Nam

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